Saturday 26 January 2013

Australia Day 2013

Australia Day for us this year meant getting out early to attend Swim Club, it was an extra special day as the Ashfield Amateur Swim Club was celebrating its 50th Anniversary. We are now heading out to friends for the evening to finish celebrating the day.

Too see how others celebrate this day head over here..

Too see more of this morning pop over here...

Friday 25 January 2013

3 Sydney icons...

Taken last week while out on the water, it was calm for once so was able to snap the 3 icons together. Weather isn't looking too good this weekend so looks like the poor boat is staying put..

Thursday 24 January 2013

The hardest working bloke in Sydney.

This guy comes across as such a character, he wears a different hat everyday and gets into which ever Festive Season it is at the time. Note his rabbit ears! I noticed this morning he had up his home made Happy Easter banner opposite. At Christmas time he had trees decorated at each traffic light. He is slowly filling up each pole with his stuffed toys. 

So why is this bloke the hardest working bloke in Sydney? No matter how hot it is he is there, he works longer hours than us as we see him on the way to and from work each day, we have even seen him on weekends we are heading out to explore Sydney for pleasure. He always waves and smiles to all the cars. I have wanted to capture a photo of him for months but we never stop at the lights with clear vision, except for today, not good a shot though but you get the idea..

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Sydney Park..

One of the many ponds at Sydney Park and you can see in these the water levels are low..

Tuesday 22 January 2013

From here to there....

On Sunday we went for a sticky at Sydney Park at St Peters just south of the CBD. We have driven past it and have always thought what is over the hill?
The top photo is taken from the top of that hill looking down.

Now looking back up....

21 years ago this former brickworks and rubbish tip was turned into a green haven in the middle of the inner city. The wet lands and green haven are a  bit lacking as we haven't had much rain with our hot weather.

Sunday 20 January 2013

ANZAC Memorial

I know I show this a lot, but no harm in another angle....
Taken while paying for parking in Elizabeth Street.

Saturday 19 January 2013

Only in Australia.

In a world first, 13 McDonald's restaurants around Australia will temporarily change their store signage to Macca's until the end of January.
According to a national survey by McDonald's, Macca's is the second most recognised "Australianism", at 31 per cent, just behind footy at 32 per cent.

Friday 18 January 2013

Hot, hot, hot

Even our dog TJ had to get some relief from Sydney's record breaking hot temperatures today. As I post it's still over 40*. But the clouds are building so fingers crossed we get some cooler temps soon.

Tuesday 15 January 2013


 Saw this guy yesterday on our way to work, he is a regular around Sydney spread good will and smile. Not too sure his dog carries the same passion....
The problem I encountered was I was on my phone at the time, husband was driving so I had to tap him and use sign language for him to get his phone out of his pocket for me. Lucky he is use to me and my photos...

Monday 14 January 2013

My Belly Button...

Manyana NSW South Coast
23rd January 2006, 5.18am

This festival through me a bit, as I am not one for the technical side of photography. 
I just love to take photos and take what grabs my eye, I shop like this too it has to grab me.
 I used this bottom photo for January 1st this year, but the one above was taken years before in same spot.  I saw it on my husbands screen saver and said to him "this is just like the one I took last year". 
I wanted to compare them so why not do it here.

3rd January 2012, 5.02am

To see more of The Festival of Belly Buttons pop over here.

Sunday 13 January 2013

Rubber Duck....

Artist Florentijn Hofman sculptures are big, very big, and Rubber Duck is no exception.
Rubber Duck doesn't discriminate and has no political connotation. "It relieves everyday tensions, as well as defining them. Its purpose is to do no more than amaze." Says the artist.

The bright yellow inflatable is five storeys high and five storeys wide and has been popping up in various cities around the world since 2007.

Rubber Duck is currently in Darling Harbour as part of the Sydney Festival and leaves on the 23rd January.

Saturday 12 January 2013

The Bridge

Just home from a morning on the harbour, very grateful the southerly wind change came through early and Sydney hasn't heated up as predicted. (fingers crossed it still doesn't).

For more Weekend reflections from around the
 world pop over here.

To see more of our morning on the Harbour pop over here.

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Why hello there....

Came across this guy on the walk around Middle Head, scared the hebbie gebbies out of me.... he didn't stay around long enough for me to get a decent shot of him, and I have no idea what type of Lizard he is.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Pig and Sow

Sow and Pigs Reef is a rocky reef in Sydney Harbour. The reef is situated on the eastern side of the main shipping channel between Middle Head and South Head. 
Originally the reef was exposed and resembled a sow and her litter. Explosives were used to reduce the reef, however, now the reef is only exposed at a very low tide. 
A number of ships have been wrecked or damaged after hitting the reef.

Monday 7 January 2013

Sunday 6 January 2013

Hiding in the bushes....

Oops, I wish I read it completely while there... as i would have watered it.. 
I spotted this while walking a long a bush track on Middle Head.

Saturday 5 January 2013

Friday 4 January 2013

Inner Head Fort

This is where we sat to enjoy our picnic lunch, looking over to Manly and watching all the boats go by.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Middle Head Fortification

This area on Middle Head has 2 fortifications, gun pits and the "Tiger cages"  where soldiers were trained to resist torture.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Photo of the Year

This has always been a favourite photo of mine, I think more for the memories I have of the location and the solitude I feel when I am the sole person walking on the beach, well until a fisherman appears.

To see participants of CDP Theme Day head over here.

Happy New Year to you and  yours.
May 2013 bring you many memories and smiles.