Monday, 15 October 2012


Sorry for the broad shot but I like to keep peoples faces private.

Nippers in surf lifesaving are young Surf Lifesavers aged between 5 and 14 years old. For Nippers, the beach is the classroom. They gain confidence by passing the ‘tests’ of swimming, body boarding, beach sprints, dolphin-diving, spotting a rip and general safety at the beach.
Older Nippers also learn some basic first aid and may also learn CPR when they reach the age of 13.
When Nippers are thirteen years old they can complete their SRC (Surf Rescue Certificate) enabling them to patrol beaches and partake in Senior Competition.
As we walked along this section of coast line each beach had their own Sunday morning Nipper club competition running with large amounts of kids participating, and parents watching on with their coffees in hand.


  1. That seems like a good programme for the kids. This beach looks very familiar.

  2. That's so interesting! Such a beautiful beach scene. I'm with you - not photos with faces, unless I've asked permission, which I am usually scared to do!
